How to reach us and to call
Irkutsk Oblast, Irkutsk,GPS coordinates
Latitude: 52.252444
Longitude: 104.324453 -
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Location and directions
from the Airport "Irkutsk": 1. Taxi (10min)Otdelny entrance from ul Kirzavodskaya (reverse side from the entrance), 1st floor - sign "Riverside" hostel 2. Route No. 45, 99 to stop "Tsimlyanskaya" - transfer to route # 12 to the stop "Lisikha bottom" (30-40min)_ from the Train/railway station "Irkutsk-Passenger": 1. Taxi (20 min) 2. Route # 16 to the stop the square. Kirov - transfer to route # 12 to the stop "Lisikha bottom"_ a Separate entrance from ul Kirzavodskaya (reverse side from the entrance), 1st floor - sign "Riverside" hostel